
A unique and effective vaccination service with sustainable certification

Pehevaxx®, an exclusive and complete quality system developed by Pehestat, supports intensive livestock farms in all aspects of their vaccination management through a centralised, standardised and integrated approach.

The purpose of Pehevaxx® is:

  • Optimising vaccination techniques;
  • Certifying vaccination;
  • Collecting data in a blockchain.

This approach leads to stronger animals that use less antibiotics, better zootechnical results, a higher yield and improved animal welfare. Pehevaxx® thus offers an answer to the growing demand from the sector for automation, certification and traceability.

Pehevaxx® safeguards the quality of your product

Pehevaxx® works according to standard procedures that are continuously monitored and adjusted on the basis of practice:

  • Storage and preparation of the vaccine
  • Protection of the vaccine and hygiene of the environment
  • Maintenance and use of the necessary equipment
  • Training and follow-up of operational staff
  • Monitoring of the vaccination result
  • Interpretation of the monitoring results
  • Implementation of improvements
  • Certification of the process
  • Reporting of the data collected in a digital animal passport
  • Development of a blockchain label

Pehevaxx® uses innovative techniques in which animal welfare, safety and efficiency come first:

  • In ovo vaccination: vaccination administration in the egg is an animal-friendly and accurate vaccination method whereby broilers have a stronger immune system from day 1. In addition, in ovo vaccination saves farmers from having to vaccinate on their farm.

  • Modern vaccination equipment collects and analyses data. This allows processes to be continuously monitored and improved, and results to be measured and reliable. All data is available in real time via a mobile app.

More about Pehevaxx®

With a blockchain, the entire journey of an animal product can be traced, including the origin of the food-producing animal. All available relevant data is stored in blocks that are linked together like a chain. A blockchain is easy to control and impossible to manipulate.

This provides a 100% secure, fair and transparent quality label for your food brand.

Would you like to take a closer look at your vaccination policy?

Contact us