05/05/2020 - 08:56
The BD100: a method to map the use of antibiotics in your company.
As a Belgian poultry farmer, you may have heard about concepts such as BD100, AMCRA and antibiotic reduction in recent months. We at Pehestat would like to clarify these concepts and, where necessary, forward you to the relevant websites.
The BD100 is a prefix that represents the use of antibiotics on your farm in one standardized number that stands for the number of days of treatment with antibiotics on 100 days. This is the % of days treated with antibiotics.
The formula for calculating the BD100 is the same for all animal species and consists of the quantity of antibiotic provided, the total animal weight (in kg) at the time of treatment, and a factor (the DDDAbel) per antibiotic (see image below - source: AMCRA).
This calculation is carried out by AMCRA, a knowledge institute with its roots in the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine at UGent. AMCRA's objective is to map the use of antibiotics in animals and to provide support in reducing the use of antibiotics in the various sectors. All this with the aim of improving the problem of antibiotic resistance in humans and animals. More information about the BD100, AMCRA and the planned reduction targets can be found at www.amcra.be.
The specifications, including Belplume, have a central role in this story and have made antibiotic reporting mandatory for the participants in the specifications. In addition, the government has also imposed rules with regard to antibiotics reporting. The Belplume website provides more information about the approach and rules for poultry farms.
Since the beginning, Pehestat has focused on supporting poultry farmers and poultry veterinarians with antibiotic reporting, but also in developing reduction strategies on your poultry farm in cooperation with your company veterinarian. Feel free to contact us via info@pehestat.be if you would like more information about this, we will be happy to help you.
Pehestat has also developed a simulation tool that allows poultry farmers and poultry veterinarians to calculate their BD100 themselves. We will soon launch this on our website.
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